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New Clients and Patients

Welcome to Graham Animal Hospital and thank you for choosing us to take care of you and your pet.

Please print off and fill out this form if we haven’t met you yet.


If you are not comfortable filling in some of the information or are unaware of what to put leave that item blank and we can assist you when you arrive for your appointment.

New Puppies and Kittens...

Congratulations on your new addition! Adding a new puppy or kitten to the family can be exciting, fun and unpredictable.

Here at Graham Animal Hospital we want you to know exactly what to expect when you bring in your new furry bundle of joy. The following are the vaccination protocols we have designed for puppies and kitties. We will go over these plans with you at your visit and modify them to fit your pets specific needs.

Anesthetic Procedures

Some procedures at Graham Animal Hospital may require your pet to be go under anesthesia or need sedation. These procedures can include surgeries, dentals and x-rays. The majority of healthy pets do not experience any complications with anesthesia or sedation, however anytime a human or animal goes under anesthesia, there is some risk.


Please read the following information on anesthesia and the procedures offered here at Graham Animal Hospital. If you wish, you may print and sign the consent forms and bring them with you the morning of your scheduled procedure. You are welcome to stop in or call if you have any questions or would like to speak with a staff member about your pets upcoming procedure.


We understand that you may be feeing nervous or anxious about anesthesia, but we want you to take comfort in knowing that we do everything we can to reduce your pets anesthetic risk.

Before Anesthesia...

We will perform an examination on your pet prior to anesthesia, discuss with you your pet’s health and notify you of any risk factors. We may also suggest or require bloodwork prior to your pet going under anesthesia. Because the anesthetic agents are processed by the body’s kidneys and liver, we encourage bloodwork on any pet but require it on pets 5 years of age and older to show us how these organs are functioning and if they will be sufficient at processing the anesthetic agents.

During Anesthesia...

During anesthesia your pet will experience care similar to what you would receive at a hospital. Your pet will be intubated, this means that a tube will be placed allowing an airway throughout the procedure to deliver anesthetic gas and oxygen. Your pet will also have an IV catheter in place for administration of anesthetic agents, quick access to a vein if the need arises, and delivery of fluids to support their circulation and blood pressure. Various warming techniques will be done to ensure adequate body temperature and prevent hypothermia. These techniques include a warming blanket (not a heating pad), warmed fluids and a heated surgery table. Continuous monitoring of your pet’s heart rate, blood oxygen levels and CO2 levels, temperature, blood pressure, and capillary refill time will be done by a Registered Veterinary Technician and a digital ECG monitor throughout the procedure.

After Anesthesia...

After the procedure your pet will be placed in a recovery kennel set up with comfy blankets just for them. During this time your pet will be closely monitored by one of our Registered Veterinary Technicians to ensure that they wake up comfortably. The technician will be evaluating your pet and once they are back to a safe level of consciousness the technician will remove the tube from their airway. Your pet will continue to be monitored and evaluated throughout the day.

What you can do to reduce your pets anesthetic risk...

  • Follow the veterinarians feeding instructions prior to surgery

  • Notify the veterinarian or staff of any prior reactions to a sedative or anesthetic agent

  • Notify the veterinarian or staff of all medications your pet is receiving (prescribed or over the counter)

  • Keep your pet healthy with routine veterinary visits

  • Maintain your pet at a healthy weight

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